Вадим Груша, керівник нового напряму «Блокчейн», а також директор і співзасновник Trustee Wallet, розповів нам детально, чому та для кого...
Олександр Колб, CEO компанії Promodo, керуватиме цього року напрямом “E-commerce”. Читайте наш матеріал про те, яким буде новий напрям і...
We are ready to announce the first new names of those who will join the organization of iForum-2022! The heads...
Irreparable loss of the Ukrainian Internet. Oleksii Mas had passed away. The star, the innovator, the legend. A restless revolutionary...
12 років існування феномена на ім’я iForum. У чому секрет успіху? За численними публікаціями в пресі, ми відстежили ретроспективу форуму....
We’ve decided to bring in the new blood, so the iForum Organizing Committee expands the number of streams and announces...
Yes, offline! The long-awaited iForum-2021 conference took place on June 18, Kyiv. In compliance with the quarantine requirements, we held...
The Organizing Committee of iForum-2021 decided to strengthen the medical support of the conference – so now we have a...
The iForum-2021 Organizing Committee pays special attention to compliance with the quarantine requirements at the conference. Our event will take...
We have published iForum-2021 agenda! The biggest IT conference in Ukraine will take place on the 18th of June at...