June, 18, 2021 Kyiv, NSC "Olimpiyskyi", 55, Velyka Vasylkivska str.

DeFi, GemiFi and other Blockchains — Vadym Hrusha about his new stream

Вадим Груша, керівник нового напряму «Блокчейн», а також директор і співзасновник Trustee Wallet, розповів нам детально, чому та для кого...

E-commerce: what will this stream be about at iForum-2022

Олександр Колб, CEO компанії Promodo, керуватиме цього року напрямом “E-commerce”. Читайте наш матеріал про те, яким буде новий напрям і...

The iForum Organizing Committee has elected new Heads of Streams!

We are ready to announce the first new names of those who will join the organization of iForum-2022! The heads...

Irreparable loss of iForum

Irreparable loss of the Ukrainian Internet. Oleksii Mas had passed away. The star, the innovator, the legend. A restless revolutionary...

Oleksandr Olshanskyi: "The easiest way to get on iForum for free is tp make a great speech"

12 років існування феномена на ім’я iForum. У чому секрет успіху? За численними публікаціями в пресі, ми відстежили ретроспективу форуму....

An announcement from iForum: we are looking for Heads of Streams — apply now!

We’ve decided to bring in the new blood, so the iForum Organizing Committee expands the number of streams and announces...

Finally iForum had happened!

Yes, offline! The long-awaited iForum-2021 conference took place on June 18, Kyiv. In compliance with the quarantine requirements, we held...

We strengthen the safety of participants with the medical partner UNIVERSUM CLINIC!

The Organizing Committee of iForum-2021 decided to strengthen the medical support of the conference – so now we have a...

Safety and compliance with the quarantine requirements are the most important!

The iForum-2021 Organizing Committee pays special attention to compliance with the quarantine requirements at the conference. Our event will take...

iForum-2021 Agenda is published already — meet the speakers!

We have published iForum-2021 agenda! The biggest IT conference in Ukraine will take place on the 18th of June at...

Organized by the efforts of volunteers from following companies

Sponsors & Partners 2021

Title Sponsor
General Sponsor
Main Stage Sponsor
«Internet technologies» Sponsor
«Future» Sponsor
«Advertising and Promotion» Sponsor
City of the Future Sponsor
Book Partner
Building Partner
Relax Partner
Auto Partner
Premium Partner
Logistics Partner
Tech Partner
Digital Partner
Investment Partner
Printing Partner
Water Partner
Tech Partner
Medical partner
Newsletter partner

Info partners 2021

General Info Partner