June, 18, 2021 Kyiv, NSC "Olimpiyskyi", 55, Velyka Vasylkivska str.

Oleksandra Bohuslavska and Nika Tamaio Flores

Data Science UA

  • Oleksandra Bohuslavska, CEO/ Founder @Data Science UA

Since 2016, she has been actively building and developing the Data Science Community in Ukraine, which now unites more than 10,000 engineers.
Data Science UA trains on AI, IT recruitment, AI outsourcing, and outstaffing.
Oleksandra acquainted with almost every AI engineer in Ukraine personally and has built an ecosystem in Ukraine that unites the best engineers and the most progressive companies.

  • Nika Tamaio Flores, Head of Consulting @Data Science UA

In 2018, she graduated from IE Business School (Spain) with a degree in Business Analytics and Big Data. She used to work in marketing and digital analytics for retail.
Nika manages projects on digital transformation and implementation of data science and business intelligence technologies in companies.
Her main expertise is business analysis, data pathfinding (a combination of business and technical skills), conducting analytical projects, and business development. Adjunct Professor KSE, Professor Vodafone Big Data Lab.



AI product companies in Ukraine: survivors, those who've been sold, and what should we do about all that

  • What is AI, what are the well-known AI products.
  • AI companies landscape: who was there on the market in 2016 and who is there now in 2021.
  • We briefly describe into each company: DataRobot, Grammarly, Ring, Snap, Reface, 3Dlook, ThredUP, People.ai, Respeecher, Skylum (evaluation/ investment/ status/ technology/ people).
  • Top-5 global trends in AI.
  • Forecast: what will happen to AI products globally, which niches are interesting for businesses to enter, which markets are interesting to target.
  • Why is it cool to create AI products in Ukraine, aimed to conquer the world?

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